Thursday, March 4, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010


Am I the only black person in America who is not mad at this whole John Mayer thing? First of all the man has a right to be selective when it comes to his sex life. Secondly his comment about having "a nigger pass" more than likely means that black folks call him their "Nigger" as a term of endearment. That doesn't give him carte blanch to use the term outside of his circle but in this instance it was not used in an offense way. And lastly anyone who read the article and didn't find his comments regarding women offense missed the point. I was offended for Kerry Washington and a little bit for Jen Aniston and Jessica Simpson. I mean kissing and telling John, really? NOT COOL!!! Maybe you should stop hanging out with rappers, you're starting to sound like one. I love music and I don't care what color you are as long as it sounds good or I can relate. Maybe I'm partial to John Mayer because my body is a wonderland and hearing him sing it makes me smile. Or maybe it's because I have daughters and find his songwriting ability to be phenomenal. Regardless, I don't feel that he needs to apologize for anything and people really need to stop reaching. I think Danny Aiello said it best when he said I'm not a racist but some of the things I say can be interpreted as racist, referring to his character in Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing". Aren't we all guilty of making those kind of harmless, stereotypical comments within our own circle? Racism is a ideology that was created in this country to divide us. Scientifically racism is not not a factual classification. Get a grip people there are real racist's out there that need to be held accountable.